SiLKA is my mnemonic for Simple Living Kiwi Artist.
Painting was never intended to be a commercial exercise, but people began to ask if they could buy my work. I entered work into exhibitions and more paintings sold. I have work hanging in prestigious offices in Auckland CBD on loan because I like people to see it but this generated more interest. Hence this website.
I work exclusively in oils and so far on canvas.
Please do get in touch via the contact page is my work appeals to you. While I don't take commissions to paint certain scenes in a directed way, I am happy work with people to see if I paint something they like, without any commitments.
The best way to see my work is via my:
River mouth
91.4cm x 61cm (36" x 24")
Currently on loan
Eurydice (left) & Becoming on loan to Auckland law firm McVeagh Fleming. They hang in their reception on level 9 of the HSBC tower, Auckland CBD
Eurydice 1m x 75cm
Currently on loan
Untitled 91.4cm x 61cm (36" x 24")
Currently on loan